A Comprehensive Guide On How To Play Golf For Beginners

Golf is a game for everyone. There are no restrictions on age or abilities for anyone to play golf. It is perfect for you if you want to strengthen your physical skills, mental strategy, and social interaction all within one sport. It can give you a challenge, reward you, and inspire you at the same time. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know how to play golf for beginners, from the basic rules and equipment to the skills and techniques you need to master.

How To Play Golf For Beginners

As a beginner golfer, you can expect an exciting and fulfilling experience ahead of you. During this journey, you can discover new aspects of yourself, make new friends, and explore nature’s beauty. It even helps you develop valuable life skills like patience, perseverance, and discipline. But as a beginner, you could get frustrated, confused, and intimidated at first. Do not worry. We are here to help you start your golf journey with some essential golf tips for beginners.

Get your golf starter pack and learn how to play golf for beginners

So, you are starting out golf? Then, you need to focus on golf equipment first.


If you pick the wrong equipment as a beginner, your golf adventure will become harder and less fun. You do not want to start golfing like that.

Here is a list of basic golf equipment you need to start smoothly.

Golf clubs

You do not need a full set of 14 clubs when you are starting out. Start with a driver, a fairway wood, a hybrid, a few irons (5-9), a pitching wedge, a sand wedge, and a putter. Look for clubs with big heads, forgiving faces (easier to hit with), and flexible shafts (easier to swing). They are designed for beginners. You can buy them new or used or rent them for some courses.

Golf balls

Let us be honest. You are probably going to lose a few balls while learning. Do not overthink it. Just grab some cheap, bright-colored balls you could easily find in the grass.

Golf bag

This is your portable club caddy. Find a lightweight bag with comfortable straps. It should have enough pockets for your balls, tees, and maybe a water bottle or a snack.

Golf tees

These little plastic things hold your ball up off the ground for the first hit. Any standard tee will work for beginners.

Golf glove

You will need to wear one glove for your non-dominant hand to grip the club better and avoid getting blisters.

Golf shoes

Regular sneakers are okay initially, but special golf shoes with good grip can make swinging and walking the course easier. Look for waterproof and breathable shoes with spikes or nubs on the bottom.

Golf attire

You do not need to dress up to play golf, but follow the course dress code. Usually, this means a collared shirt, pants/shorts, hat/visor. Wear some comfortable clothes so you can move freely.

Here are some additional basic golf equipment for convenience and etiquette.

  • Golf towel – Good for cleaning clubs and balls and wiping off sweat.
  • Divot tool – Use this tool to fix the grass on the green after your ball lands and makes a dent (divot). It is good golf etiquette to leave the course nice for others.
  • Ball marker – Use this to mark where your ball is on the green when you need to move it, clean it, or let someone else put it.
  • Umbrella – An umbrella can be a lifesaver in rain or strong sun.
  • Rain gear – Depending on the weather, you might need a rain jacket and waterproof shoes. Some golfers also use rain gloves for a better grip when it is wet.
  • Golf hat or Visor – Sometimes, the sun can be brutal on the course. You can wear a hat/visor to shade your face and see the ball better. No more squinting!
  • Rangefinder (Optional) – This gadget can tell you how far away things are on the course. It is not essential for beginners.

Get to know the golf course.

Got the right equipment? Then, you are all set to get out on the course. But before you do, knowing a bit about the golf course and its features is better.

Let us begin with the golf course. This is where you play golf. It is a large area spread out across 100-200 acres. It usually has 18 holes, each different in layout, length, and difficulty. Each hole has a tee box (your start point), a fairway (where you aim your shot), and a green (where you put your ball into the hole). It also consists of various hazards like bunkers (sand traps), water hazards (lakes or ponds), or rough (long grass) to raise the difficulty level.

A typical golf course layout

Each hole on a golf course has a par number. This is how many strokes an average golfer should take to finish the hole. So, a par 3 hole means you should take three strokes, a par 4 hole means four strokes, and so on. The total par number for a course is usually 72. As a beginner, you also need to understand some basic terms and rules related to the golf course before you start golfing.

Keeping score & playing the course

  • Teeing Off – This is your first shot on each hole. You hit from the tee box and place your ball on a tee.
  • Playing order – Who hits when? Whoever did best on the previous hole gets honored to go first on the next tee box. Then, the person farthest from the hole takes their turn, and so onuntil everyone reaches the green. On the green, the person closest to the hole goes last.
  • Scoring – You keep track of how many strokes you take on each hole. Lower is better, and every hit with your club counts (including penalties).
  • Birdie, Eagle, Bogey – These are terms for how well you do on a hole compared to par. A birdie means one stroke under par, an eagle means two strokes under, a bogey is one stroke over, and it goes up from there (double bogey, triple bogey).
  • Penalty – If you break a rule, like hitting the ball out of bounds, you get a penalty stroke added to your score.
  • Handicap – This is a skill rating system for golfers. Lower handicaps are for better players.

Golf course etiquette 101 |How to play golf for beginners?

You need to follow golf course rules and etiquette to respect the game and other players. Here are some of them.

Tee off in order

Whoever did best on the last hole gets the honor of starting first on the next one. If it is the first hole, settle it with a coin toss or pick a straw.

Play ready golf.

Be prepared to hit your shot when it is your turn, and only swing when it is safe for others. Do not hold up the game!

Keep up with the pace.

Try to play at about the same speed as the group ahead. If you get too far behind, let faster players behind you play through. You can do a quick wave or step aside.

Stay on course.

Do not wander off or take shortcuts. Keep your game within the boundaries marked by white stakes or fences.

Repair your damage.

Fix any dents or marks you make on the green (ball marks) or fairway (turf chunks) with a tee or tool.

Rake bunkers.

If you end up in a bunker (sand trap), smooth out the sand you messed up with a rake after you play your shot. Leave the bunker as you found it or better.

Respect the green.

Do not walk on or near another player’s putting line. Remember not to drop or drag your clubs or bag on the green.

Do not spend too much time looking for balls.

We have all been there. A lost ball you just cannot find. Do not become that golfer who holds everyone up. If you think your ball is gone, take another shot from the tee box (a provisional shot) so you can keep playing.

Help others find their ball.

Help your fellow golfers find their balls, especially if yours is farther away or you are up next.

Maintain an appropriate pace.

If there is nobody ahead of your group and there is a group constantly waiting behind you, your group should play faster or let the group behind you play through.

Keep your cell phone silenced.

Ringing phones ruin peaceful golf games. Silence yours or step away to chat if you need to take a call.

Be respectful.

Basically, do not be loud or disruptive, be mindful of others, and follow the course rules.

    How should beginners play golf?

    Now you have a basic understanding of the equipment and course. It is time to explore the actual game of golf.

    Here is a how to play golf for beginners step by step guide.

    Before you start

    Do not forget to take a few minutes to stretch and loosen up. You would not want to pull a muscle swinging a club.

    Tee off.

    Grab a tee and stick it in the ground at about chest height. Put your ball on top of the tee. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and slightly pointed towards the target.

    Grip the club.

    Grip the club against your fingers, not your palm.

    Line up.

    Stand with your shoulders roughly parallel to the imaginary line between the ball and the hole (the target line). Bend your knees and hips a little for good balance.

    Swing time

    Take Aim.

    Line up your whole body (shoulders, hips, knees) parallel to the target line. Imagine extending your arms to hit the ball.

    Turn Back.

    Make a slow, controlled turn with your shoulders away from the target. Keep your arms and wrists quiet. Your weight will naturally shift back to your trail leg (right leg for right-handed golfers).

    Swing Down.

    Start the downswing by rotating your hips towards the target, then your shoulders and arms will follow through. Try to keep your arms and club moving together.


    Let the clubhead hit the ball at the bottom of your swing arc.


    Follow through with your swing. Let your arms extend and your weight shift to your front leg.

    Remember – Make a smooth, controlled swing rather than hitting the ball as hard as possible. Focus on making good contact with the ball first.

    • Approach shots – Once you hit the fairway, figure out how far you are from the green and pick the right club for your next shot. Do not forget to consider any obstacles like bunkers (sand traps) or water hazards.
    • Putting time – Made it to the green? Now it is time to putt. Take your time, read the green slopes, and put it smoothly to get that ball in the cup.

    Mastering swing, grip, and putt techniques | How to play golf for beginners?

    We have now covered golf rules and steps to play golf effectively as a beginner. But that is not enough to excel at golf. If you want to become a professional player, you need to master the basics of golf swing, grip, and putt.

    How to grip a golf club?

    • Hold the club comfortably waist-high with the clubface square.
    • Stretch out your left hand fingers and grip the club handle diagonally across your palm.
    • Wrap your thumb down the right side of the grip, ideally seeing 2.5 knuckles on your left hand.
    • Place your right hand on top, with your pinky finger resting on your left index finger, and grip the club securely.
    • Your thumbs should ideally form a light “V” where they meet on top of the grip.

    Practice is a must!  – How should a beginner practice golf swing?

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in a comfortable, athletic stance while slightly bending your knees.
    • To start, turn your shoulders and hips away from the target while keeping your arms still.
    • In the downswing, feel your weight shift towards your front leg as you rotate your hips and then your shoulders towards the target. Let your arms swing the club naturally.
    • Ensure you strike the ball at the lowest point of your swing and continue the motion by extending your arms toward the target during the follow-through. Do not worry about hitting the ball far first.

    How to putt in golf?

    Putting is how you roll the ball into the hole once you are on the green. Why is it one of the most important and challenging parts of golf? It is because it can make or break your score. To putt well as a beginner, you need to have a good sense of the speed and direction of the green. And do not forget the steady and consistent stroke. Here is how to do it.

    Read the green.

    Look at the green’s slopes, bumps, and how smooth it is. See those tiny grass blades? They have a direction they grow in, called the grain. The ball rolls faster with the grain, slower against it. This all affects how the ball rolls.

    Choose your line.

    Based on your read, pick a spot on the green where you want to aim your ball. It might not be a straight shot; sometimes, you have to curve the ball a little.

    Set up your stance.

    Ensure that you strike the ball at the lowest point of your swing and continue the motion by extending your arms toward the target during the follow-through.Hold the putter comfortably, not too tight, and position it behind the ball. Keep your eyes right above the ball and your arms relaxed by your sides.

    Make your stroke.

    Swing the putter back and forth smoothly, like a pendulum. Keep your head down and wrists firm. Aim to hit the ball right in the sweet spot of the putter face, and follow through with your swing along your target line.

    Watch the ball.

    Keep your eyes on it until it stops rolling. Do not lift your head too soon, or you might mess up your stroke. Learn from what happens.

    Did it roll too short?

    Too strong?

    Adjust for your next putt.

    Golf tips for ladies |How to play golf for beginners?

    So you are a lady golfer looking to tee off on your golfing journey? Awesome. But you are worried golf might be a bit too tough?

    Do not worry!

    Here are some beginner golf tips for ladies to get you started and feel confident on the course.

    Gear up.

    Do not just grab any old set. Many stores offer club fitting, which helps find clubs sized just for you. Also, Get comfortable shoes with a good grip to avoid slipping during your swing. And invest in a nice golf glove for a secure grip on the club.

    Master the basics.

    Focus on the beginner golf tips we discussed above, mastering swing, grip, and putt techniques. Also, take golf lessons for beginners from a professional, especially one who teaches women’s golf.

    Think like a strategist.

    Golf encompasses more than just driving the ball for distance. Think about the course layout and any obstacles before each shot. Choose the right club, aim for safer areas to avoid hazards, and make smart decisions to keep your score low.

    Play with others.

    Surround yourself with other female golfers. You can get knowledge from their experience, ask questions, and have fun together. It is a great way to stay motivated and enjoy the game even more.

    Stay positive.

    Golf can be challenging, and everyone makes mistakes. Do not get discouraged! Focus on having fun, learn from each shot, and visualize your success.


    Congratulations! You now have a thorough understanding of how to play golf as a beginner. This wonderful game can enrich your life in many ways. We hope this article has given you some useful tips and advice on how to play golf for beginners. Golf is a game that can challenge you physically, mentally, and emotionally. It can also connect you with nature, yourself, and others. You can play it for a lifetime; it never gets boring or easy. 

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